Iced Green Tea

Iced tea is a thirst quencher on a hot summer day.  Why not try something different and use green tea in your recipe.  You can make this recipe into an ice drink or ice tea.  It's great way.  Remember you get the benefit of the medicinal herbs as well. 


  • 1 tsp green tea

  • 2 tsp (anise, fennel & dill blend)

  • 1 star anise pod

  • 1/2 vanilla bean

  • 3 cups boiling water

  • 1/2 sugar or honey to taste

  • 2 tbsp fresh squeezed lemon juice

Place herb mix into a heat proof container.  Pour boiling water over herb mix, cover, and steep for 15 minutes.  Strain herbs.  Add sweetener.  Allow the herbal blend to cool.  Stir in lemon juice. 

You can drink the herbal ice tea blend now by pouring over ice into tall glasses, or you can place it into the freezer for up to 1 hour or until mixture is firm.  Either way it will be a great way to cool yourself on the hot summer days. 

Green tea is a nervous system stimulant and antioxidant.  Anise is great aromatic and anti-microbial.  Fennel is good for stomach issues.  Dill will help to boost digestion and works well for the immune system.  Vanilla is an aromatic as well and good for heart health and full of anti-oxidants.  Lemon will help to cleanse the glands and will help to hydrate your body.  


Anti-Allergy Tea Blend


Blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.)