Aloe Vera

This plant is a native from Eastern Africa.  Today, we can find it in almost any supermarket store.  It grows quite easily and does not require a huge amount of care.  It is a must-have plant for any home.   We use the outer leaf or the gel in herbal preparations. 

There are many herbal medicinal uses for this plant.  The outer leaf can be ground and taken internally as a laxative. Be careful though, it is very powerful.  The aloin contained in this plart of the plant is used commercially and added to commercial laxative products. 

The gel is also used worldwide to heal burns and skin wounds and it has a pain relieving effect.  The gel may help to reverse the effects of blisters and can help to prevent scarring or tissue damage. 

The gel can be used internally to soothe and heal stomach ulcers, and colitis. 

Contra:  not for use during pregnancy or nursing. The outer leaf can cause intestinal pain and cramping, if used in excess.  Do not use topically if you suspect a staph or staph related infection. The application can seal in the staph bacteria. 


Sweetgrass (Hierochloe odorata)


Rhubarb Juice